Useful information

Here are some things about ancient Roman and Persian history.


  1. The Romans laid on triclinia which are three long couches arranged around the dinning table.
  2. All farms in Rome kept bee hives for honey.
  3. Romans built long roads.
  4. A retired soldier would get a piece of land and become a farmer.
  5. Forum was the center of life.
  6. Mints were set up everywhere and the coins were stamped with the emperors face.
  7. Roman coins were kept in chests.  


  1. Ancient Persian people were the first people to build their houses on the plains.
  2. Ancient Persians were the first to use model sculptures, dating back 7,000 years!
  3. Ancient Persian architecture inspired many other civilizations and countries.
  4. Archaeologists have found a temple called Dimus which once was a fire temple, ancient Persian architects were asked to build this by an Indian person.
  5. The Taj Mahal was built by ancient Persian architects.
  6. Ancient Persia was the first place to build a Ziggurat and to make large stone structures.
  7. Ancient Persians first made water canals 50 km and they were the first to build a water filtering system like ours there would be layers of sand and coal and the water would run through and come out clean!    

Table of Contents!

Environmental background of Persia, right here!

Values and beliefs on which life was based.